Thursday, 14 January 2010

Saving some money is better than nothing

Ok this is really important as it helps me a lot when we think about saving it always come up in mind oh I can’t save as there never much money left at the end wrong we should save money always in start of a month the time when we get our pay in bank confuse ok here is the explanation:

I have several bank accounts I receive pay in one bank and have a standing order sets for £5-£20 to different accounts for example:

- I receive money in my bank 1st of a month

- Before 8th of month I transfer all my savings set money to different accounts with different description and leave the money in that bank which is my month expense

This way I have budget enforce in my front and I only spend the money which is available in my main account now how it helps me:

I bought a car and I starts saving £10 every month for my car just for deal with worst case and guess what happened it helps me out after 8 months my car’s tyre need replacing and brakes stops working but I was not worried because I already have some money saved for my car and I just used that money and my car was back on road.

Here my point is saving only £10 per month helps me out and I was able to fix my car very quickly so if you have car or if you have kids start saving something for them now you don’t know when you need money for them it also proves that planning ahead of time always keep you safe so starts saving now even you are saving just a £1 in your piggy bank.


Mahnoor Ahmed said...

Hi wow I didn't think about this really but nice approach and welcome to general blogging.

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